With the Holidays fast approaching, it’s good to get an idea about some of the fun Christmas events that will be happening in the coming weeks. There’s a little something for everyone on the island, and all the possibilities make it easy to start your own family Christmas tradition. So whether you’re interested in a tree lighting ceremony or a Santa Claus puppet show, you’re sure to find something fun to do with the whole family.

Christmas in Richmond Town and Traditional Tree Lighting 

The holiday season in Historic Richmond Town kicks off with the traditional tree lighting on December 2nd. The festivities start at 10am and feature caroling, ornament making, horse and wagon rides, tours of the village, and, of course, pictures with Santa. The day…

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If the time is drawing near to put your home on the market and start welcoming prospective buyers in to take a look, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. First, remember that this is someone who will live in this house. It is hard to separate the fact that it is your home, but the buyers you speak to will be just as fervent and emotionally invested one day as you are now so it’s important to take every question seriously and work with them to ensure they are happy with the purchase. 

Here are three common questions you are likely to hear from prospective buyers that you’d better be ready to answer. Keep in mind that you may not be home when a buyer looks at your home, but this is information you will want to share with your agent as well…

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The last few weeks have been as different and trying for area residents as any in recent memory and there are thousands of people throughout Staten Island and in New York City that want to help. The list has grown exponentially since the last time we reviewed the area opportunities to help so whether you want to donate, volunteer or offer assistance directly to afflicted families, check out the list below.

Staten Island Recovers - http://statenisland.recovers.org

The Staten Island page on Recovers.org provides a number of resources to help coordinate donations and volunteers. Instead of blindly donating when you don’t know what real victims need, this site provides an outline of what resources are needed by specific people and where volunteers are…

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The long and hard road to rebuild has started for thousands of residents throughout New York City and in Staten Island. That means gutting homes, drying out and rebuilding. In an effort to protect those homeowners that are rebuilding, however, local government officials are urging caution. 

It is a huge risk and one that you have no doubt heard of before in homes that get inundated with water - whether through a leaky pipe or in this case, a catastrophic flood - mold. Mold grows quickly and it can be a dangerous health hazard. Which is why on Tuesday this week, Rep. Michael Grimm and other city officials warned homeowners to be extremely careful when cleaning their homes and starting the rebuilding process. 

Take Time and Rebuild Carefully 

The urge…

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The past two weeks have been among the most trying I have seen on Staten Island following the devastation of Superstorm Sandy. For those that are rebuilding or just starting to rebuild, here is some important information related to your insurance claims and mortgage payments, as well as temporary housing for those that may need it. If you are reading this, please also know that the city and FEMA are offering direct assistance in navigating the paperwork ahead of you - you can contact 311 or logon to nyc.gov or you can talk to a FEMA representative at a recovery center. 


Please keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive list of what is covered by homeowners insurance. All policies are different and you will therefore need to consult yours…

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With the devastation that Hurricane Sandy left in its wake, it’s hard to imagine life getting back to normal in many parts of Staten Island and along the Eastern Seaboard. There is a lot of work to be done and many needs to be met, and community leaders have responded by putting together food and clothing drives and organizing work parties. 

There are also multiple relief organizations setting up operations on Staten Island including FEMA, the Red Cross and the National Guard. So if you’re looking for a way to help, here is some information about the various drives and relief activities planned for the weekend.

Food and Clothing Drives

State Senator Andrew Lanza is collecting donations of clothes, water, non-perishable food and other personal items…

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