There are many articles and discussions on the internet that argue over the value a Realtor when the time comes to selling your largest financial asset which is usually your home, or other real estate holdings.  When it comes to selling, many homeowners feel that they should try to sell on their own thus “saving” the commission.

Many articles and blogs will argue that a Realtor is not worth their commission because the homeowner can do the same if not a better job at selling their home.  After all, they know their home more intimately and can pitch its virtues better than any Realtor they will hire.  In today’s internet world with homeowner’s access and ability to post their home for sale on numerous websites it seems so easy to sell without a Realtor. …

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The spring selling season is underway and with the warm weather we have been experiencing on Staten Island the home buyers are ready to move in before the full blown summer heat is upon us.  With that in mind, many sellers are eager to know what would get their home sold as fast as possible so they can move on to their next dream home.

The number one rule in selling is if you think about it a no brainer...and that is to SHOW THE HOME.  Now you may read this and think that I must be kidding with you.  Of course sellers show their home, why wouldn't they.  They know they have to show to sell.  You would be correct in thinking that sellers show their home.  However, as a full time agent working with both sellers and buyers I can tell you first hand that…

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