Gov. Cuomo's plan to discount the toll on the Verrazano Bridge was approved Monday by the MTA's Bridges and Tunnels and Finance Committees.  It will be voted on by the full board on Wednesday and is expected to be approved.     Staten Islanders with a New York issued EZ Pass will pay $5.50 per trip regardless of the amount of times they cross the Bridge each month.  Commercial vehicles will get a 20% toll discount.  Currently Islanders pay $6.36 per toll for one or two trips in a month and $6.00 for three or more in a month.  The cash toll is $15.    Random  

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You may have heard on the news that inventory of homes for sale is tight and wondered if that is the case for Staten Island.  To give it to you in a nut most certainly is.  Currently on Staten Island, it is starting to look like a seller's market.  That being said, sellers should not be fooled into thinking that the glory days of run away price appreciation of homes is back.  The fact that interest rates are still holding at historic lows is keeping the buyers active and willing to buy.  Rest assured however, that the buyers are drawn to reasonably priced homes.  Overpriced homes are still sitting on the market with minimal showing requests and without getting offers to purchase.  The take away of this market is that although it is very active,…

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In an article in the Staten Island Advance, it was noted that the Economic Development Corp. released a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) for the purchase and redevelopment of the Department of Sanitation Garage in New Brighton.  This garage has been a thorn in the side of the neighborhood for over fifty years.  Elected officials and neighborhood activists have long considered the garage an environmental blight on the community and stumbling block to any plans to revitalize the Jersey Street corridor. In the winter, the Sanitation trucks idle for hours in the neighborhood awaiting the starting pistol to "move the plows" when the snow hits the pavement.  Pedestrians are forced to walk on the street as trucks block walk-ways.  In the summer, the…

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By now, many of you may have heard about the tragic carbon monoxide poisoning that led to the death of a restaurant manager on Long Island. Carbon monoxide, or CO, is an odorless, colorless gas that can cause sudden illness and death. Because this gas is undetectable, it is of paramount importance to install a carbon monoxide detector in your home.

Carbon monoxide is found in combustion fumes, such as those produced by cars and trucks, small gasoline engines, stoves, lanterns, burning charcoal and wood, and gas ranges and heating systems. CO from these sources can build up in enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces. People and animals in these spaces can be poisoned by breathing it. Below are some precautions you can take to prevent CO leaks in the home.

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With economic development happening on Staten Island's West Shore, many are wondering how well the infastructure can hold up. It's no secret that mass transit to the area is lacking. Luckily, officials are taking the necessary steps for a solution. The Staten Island Economic Developement Corp. plans to push for funding on two studies that could make the planned light-rail a reality.

According to the Staten Island Advance, the idea is to build a 13.1-mile public transit system with stops from Richmond Valley to Elm Park. It would carry Island commuters to the Bayonne Bridge and connect with New Jersey Transit's Hudson Bergen Light Rail Line, which leads to PATH trains into Manhattan. Robert Moore, chairman of the SIEDC, describes the plan as a "signature…

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Every week, Gillani Homes will share a featured listing right here on our blog. Each listing has its own distinct personality and features that vary from home to home. As a prospective buyer it is most important to find the right home that fits your needs and checks off all the boxes on your list. Between size, neighborhood, finishings, proximity to transportation, and more the task of finding the right home can be daunting. Luckily, here at Gillani Homes we have a diverse selection of homes for sale on Staten Island that are bound to make your search a rewarding one! 

This week's featured home is 10 Pine Terrace, located in the heart of Annadale. This home is centrally located within short walking distance to the Annadale train station allowing for an…

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According to the Staten Island Advance, the former Arthur Kill Correctional Facility is being sold to Broadway Stages, a premier TV, film and music video production company with 30 years in the business and ties to the major studios.  

When the Arthur Kill Correctional Facility was closed two years ago in a statewide cost-cutting move, employees were transferred to other facilities or lost their jobs and local businesses claimed a significant loss of revenue.  Vacant for these past two years, there were rumors of major retail chains interested in this site.  Of course, with retail comes traffic issues and alternative traffic patterns along the Arthur Kill Road corridor which is of concern to all residents.  

It is reported that Broadway Stages will…

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In a recent Wall Street Journal article, it was reported that Americans are favoring more historic designs, such as arts-and-crafts type homes their grandparents once lived in over the huge suburban homes that have been built over the last thirty years. McMansions are supposedly becoming a thing of the past!  Smaller, saner housing stock is growing, partly because oftheeconomy, partly because of nostalgia.

I grew up in a two-family home my Dad bought on the GI bill for $8,000 in 1950.  A four room apartment on the first floor, ditto the second floor, one bathroom per apartment. Mom, Dad and two daughters lived in those two bedrooms.  When my brother came along, the wrap-around porch gave way to an extension, adding an extra bedroom fortheonly son.…

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A request for expressions of interest for Staten Island beachfronts was issued by by the city earlier this year. This could mean that amusement parks may be returning to the eastern shore, perhaps as early as summer 2014! Back in the early 20th century, Staten Island beaches were popular tourist destianations and featured rides and attractions on the scale of parks exisiting today, like Coney Island's Luna Park. These new additions would help restore the shore to its former glory. 

Vintage Postcard: Great Roller Boller Coaster Amusement Co., South Beach, Staten Island. Collection Milstein Division, New York Public Library

The request mentions the possibility of rides and carnival attractions at a vartiey of sites. One such site is Midland Beach,…

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Another mega project is heading to Staten Island, this time, at the Stapleton Waterfront. The mixed used development broke ground at the site of a former Navy Port. The $180 Million project is part of the city's "New Stapleton Waterfront Reviltalization" plan. In addition to housing, it will add 30,000 square feet of retail and a public waterfront esplanade.

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, devlopers are making sure to include multiple flood-prevention measures. The structure will be surrounded by open space that will protect against flooding and shoreline corrosion. A 30,000 square foot area of tidal wetlands will be created between Canal & Water Streets. An additional storm water management system will remove pollution from the water before it can…

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