Posted by Joan Coogan on
Spring has sprung! I actually see green in my yard, buds on the trees and the crocus has begun to show itself. Have you started Spring cleaning? Nope, I haven’t either! On Saturday, 3/28 from noon – 3:00, you will have a chance to Stop ‘N’ Swap at Christ Church in New Brighton at 76 Franklin Ave. It is sponsored by GrowNYC.org/Swap, an outreach and education program of the Department of Sanitation. So bring your clean, reusable, portable items such as clothing, house wares, electronics, books and toys that you no longer need. And take home something new to you, FREE. P.S. You don’t have to bring something to take something! How is that for a deal? I have a few bags already packed to swap. For further information, call 212-788-0226 or email…
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