One of my gentle readers, a friend from out of state, came to visit this past weekend and wanted to know what Port Richmond was all about, especially Ralph’s Famous Ices, which I wrote about last week.  She was able to try out Ralph’s ice and taste real New York pizza.  We took her on a whirlwind tour of Manhattan and particularly, the High Line.  I usually write only about Staten Island events, but today, I’d like to mention the High Line--an elevated section of a disused New York Central Railroad spur called the West Side Line.  It was redesigned as an aerial greenway and rails-to-trails park and runs from Gansevoort St. in the Meatpacking District to 34th St. near the Javits Convention Center.  You can walk the entire length of the park or get off at…

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Did you get a chance to take a dip in one of the City pools or one of the many beaches on Staten Island this past week especially on the extremely hot days?  I worked in my garden and as usual, am thrilled and a bit surprised that my veggies are actually growing. The heat and humidity didn’t bother me too much!  Never did hear from any of my gentle readers whether their children walk—and I mean really walk for many blocks or miles as I did as a kid.  At a recent community meeting, a discussion ensued about the different venues for our children and teens to play ball or meet with others their ages. Some parents stated that everything is too far for their offspring.  A number of us commented to the parents that the kids can hop a bus or WALK the 7 or 10…

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Thanks to all our friends/customers/clients for stopping by at the Gillani Homes booth at “Back to the Beach” on Saturday and Sunday!  The bands played at both ends, there were many booths and many new attractions.  I had a blast making new friends.  One of my gentle readers and a friend, Susan, crossed off the Family Camping Staten Island from her bucket list.  She had a great time but was uncomfortable sleeping on rocks!  How did those cowboys do it on the range?  How do you “campers” keep comfortable in your sleeping bags?  Any hints would be appreciated. You still have time to get in on the adventure.  Visit:

I want to congratulate the Liedy family and Liedy’s Shore Inn, 748 Richmond Terrace, New Brighton, on its…

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In an article published by the Staten Island Advance recently, they claim that we are currently in the midst of a "retail revolution" here on Staten Island. Those who once went to New Jersey to shop are now hesitant to do so, due to traffic and rising toll prices. People are becoming more willing to spend their money in their hometown. 

This is becoming increasingly true with the prospect of new developments on the island. The most prevalent of those being the BFC Partners' Empire Outlets, Blumenfield Development Group's Bricktown Centre, General Growth Properties' Staten Island Mall expansion, Kimco Realty's The Boulevard, and Melohn Properies' Riverside Galleria. The advance stated in their article that the combination of these outlets will bring…

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Were you able to see any of the fireworks displays in your neighborhood, at the Conference House, The Staten Island Yankees Game, Macy’s on 4th of July or listened to OutLoud reading of the Declaration of Independence?   Did you proudly fly The American flag?

There is still time to get in on Family Camping.  One of my gentle readers called me about the event, and I steered her in the right direction.  The NYC Parks is sponsoring Family Camping Staten Island.  Camp dates and parks are 7/10 at High Rock, 7/18 at Blue Heron, 8/1 at Blue Heron, 8/8 at High Rock and 8/14 at Conference House.  The Urban Park Rangers will bring almost everything you need for a night spent alfresco, including the tent, dinner and even s'mores! The staff provides most of the…

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Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain. On Staten Island, we celebrate by attending the 4th of July Parade in Travis,  barbecues, picnics, baseball games, family reunions, celebrating the history and traditions of the United States.  Patriotic songs such as "The Star Spangled Banner", "God Bless America",  "America the Beautiful", "My Country, Tis of Thee", "This Land is Your Land", "Stars and Stripes Forever" are played and sung at events on this day and bring tears to my eyes.  I Love America, the best country in the world! 

The 105th 4th…

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Check out my new listing in New Brighton - 54 Pendleton Place!

This well kept two-family home on the North Shore of Staten Island is situated on a large 61' x 100' piece of property as many of our North Shore properties are.  The first floor apartment boasts hardwood floors, a formal living room, a formal dining room, a room eat-in kitchen with pantry, two bedrooms and means of egress to yard and garage. 

The second floor apartment is practically a carbon copy of the first floor and includes a small room that can be for a baby or a den/office with private door to second floor balcony overlooking the quiet tree-lined Pendleton Place.  A detached two-car garage is situated in the rear of the property behind home.

From both apartments there is a…

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