Did you attend the Stapleton Library session last Wednesday, “Growing Healthy Eaters”?  This is a 6-session series to educate young children and their caregivers about the importance of eating well through a series of interactive, entertaining and delicious sessions.  Visit the Library at 132 Canal St. or call 718-727-0427 to attend on Wednesday at 4 and for more info. 

Staten Island is a great place to grow vegetables, and the presentation by Jay Weichun "Growing Food on Staten Island" yesterday at the College of Staten Island was proof.  He spent five years documenting and interviewing home gardeners from different backgrounds and nationalities throughout the Island. Convinced that home vegetable gardens are a means of understanding Staten Island and…

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Who among you, my gentle readers, were able to meet with Mayor Bill de Blasio this past week?  Did you express your concerns to him and his staff of commissioners about issues you may have?  Were you satisfied with the Mayor’s response?

Recently, I encountered a Department of Sanitation street sweeper coming down a nearby street and was in awe along with other residents on the street.  I have only seen street sweepers in Brooklyn, never on the Island. This particularly street is filled with potholes, broken pavement and an actual crater; I would prefer to see these streets repaired first!  Did you know that you can report any problem you may have to New York City’s "311" Complaint Line?  I have kvetched about that particular crater many times and also…

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If you know one thing about me, my gentle readers, it is that I frequent thrift stores—Nothing New Thrift, Bay Street Thrift, the Salvation Army, Marie’s Two Timer to name a few.  I’ve been known to find antique jewelry or clothes with price tags affixed and never worn or designer pocketbooks barely used.  I don’t particularly relish shopping at the Mall or stores where a dirt-cheap bargain isn’t an everyday occurrence. My daughter-in-law introduced me to Rent-the-Runway clearance sales and high end design house sales where I have snatched designer clothes, accessories, jewelry that were so cheap that I’m almost embarrassed to admit it—almost!  The thrill is in swapping clothes, shoes, knick-knacks with friends, garage sales, estate sales and recycling.…

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Did you know that two ring-tailed lemurs, an endangered species native to the island of Madagascar in Africa, were born to different mothers this week at the Staten Island Zoo?  Every day, there is something new and wonderful to discover at the Zoo.  Plan your trip soon and experience this wild animal exhibit close up and participate in many different, exciting events throughout the year.  Admission is as follows: Children 2 and under – FREE, Children 3-14 - $6, Seniors (60 and over) - $7, Adults 15-59 - $10.  After 2:00 on Wednesday, admission if FREE for all.  Check out their website www.statenislandzoo.org or call 718-442-3100 for info. The Zoo is located at 614 Broadway, directly across from the YMCA.

Need a dress for the prom?  The Nothing New…

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