In the month of February 2017 there were 06 homes sold in Midland Beach .The highest selling price was $494,000, while the lowest selling price was $161,000.
Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in Midland Beach this February:  
  1. 270 Hull Avenue
  2. 592 Lincoln Avenue  
  3. 600 Hunter Avenue
  4. 889 Patterson Avenue
  5. 942 Olympia Boulevard
  6. 193 Grimsby Street


In the month of February 2017 there were 09 homes sold in South Beach .The highest selling price was $630,000, while the lowest selling price was $240,000.

Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in South Beach this February:           
  1. 16 Vulcan Street 
  2. 20 Orlando Street 
  3. 356 Sand…

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In the month of February 2017 there were 05 homes sold in Manor Heights .The highest selling price was $820,000,while the lowest selling price was $398,000.

Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in Manor Heights this February:  
  1. 54 Suffolk Avenue
  2. 375 Mountainview Avenue
  3. 92 Livingston Avenue
  4. 86  Livingston Avenue
  5. 470 Grower Street


 In the month of February 2017 there were 02 homes sold in Willowbrook.The highest selling price was $635,000,while the lowest selling price was $510,000.

Here is the list of addresses of homes sold in Willowbrook this February: 

  1. 8 Roosevelt  Avenue
  2. 56 Rupert Avenue


For more information about any of the prices for…

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In the month of February 2017 there were no home sold in  Lower Todt Hill. 

For more information about any of the prices for the homes listed above, give us a call at 718-442-4400.If you're curious about your home's market value, use our free Comparative Market Analysis tool! 

You'll get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents at your leisure.

887 Views, 0 Comments


In the month of February 2017 there were no home sold in Lighthouse Hill.

For more information about any of the prices for the homes listed above, give us a call at 718-442-4400.If you're curious about your home's market value, use our free Comparative Market Analysis tool! 

You'll get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents at your leisure.

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In the month of February 2017 there were 07 homes sold in Huguenot .The highest selling price was $639,000, while the lowest selling price was $203,000.

Here is a list of all addresses of homes sold in Huguenot this February:    
  1. 36 Everton Avenue       
  2. 20 Carlton Court
  3. 17 Lombard Court    
  4. 12 Dogwood Drive 
  5. 121 Dogwood Drive 
  6. 9 Mimosa Lane
  7. 1950 Arthur Kill Road 


In the month of February 2017 there were 06 homes sold in Woodrow .The highest selling price was $722,000,while the lowest was $515,000.

Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in Woodrow this February:

  1. 115 Ambassador Lane
  2. 136 Marisa Circle
  3. 80 Santa Monica Lane
  4. 27 Red Cedar Lane
  5. 548 Powell…

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