Did you attend Living with Deer on Saturday at the Greenbelt Nature Center. During a recent trip to Colorado, I spotted four bucks just crossing the street. They are huge up close!  Notice how they look you right in the eye. 

Then, while driving home on a secondary road at night, I noticed a dark blur in front of my car. When I high-beamed the blur, it turned out to be a bunch of baby deer just hanging out in the middle of the road. Where was Mommy?!  The deer population on Staten Island has become just as rampant.  Please—don’t feed the deer!

Did you bring your family to the Victorian parlour at the beautiful Mont Sec House to listen to a Victorian Thanksgiving Story, attend Poetry and Prose with Staten Island OutLOUD celebrating Greenbelt’s…

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Did you attend Folk Arts: Living Traditions-A Student Exhibition at Conference House Park last week, or finally get down to writing at the Wednesday Morning Writing Group at Great Kills Library, (I know how challenging but rewarding that can be!)?  Have your high schoolers signed up for Girls Who Code Club at the DSI Tech Incubator? Did you finally admit that you want to start your own business and attended the Learn How to Build a Successful Business Plan seminar at the St. George Library?

Check out the list of Holiday/Christmas Fairs this week around Staten Island! Trinity Lutheran Church held its Annual Arts and Crafts Fair on Saturday. Following are photos from this event.


People ask me, “How can I receive the “Weekend…

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Did you take a hike as my gentle reader, Diane, did last week? There are plenty of organized hikes each week, but you can always take a friend or pup and go off on your own and discover new wonderful places to get lost in nature. See this week’s choices below. A number of Christmas/Holiday Fairs took place this past week and many more will follow (see schedule at end of blog). I attended a fair at Holy Family Church Hall. So many talented artisans displayed their wares for sale.  I met friends I had not seen in years and made new ones including a couple of proud Veterans. Following are photos from this event:


On my travels Sunday afternoon, I came upon Mona Oman, a commercial artist and mother of two, beautifying the side…

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A Brief History of Veterans Day (borrowed from “Military.com”)


Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, was originally set as a U.S. legal holiday to honor the end of World War I, which officially took place on November 11, 1918. In legislation that was passed in 1938, November 11 was "dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be hereafter celebrated and known as 'Armistice Day.'" As such, this new legal holiday honored World War I veterans.

In 1954, after having been through both World War II and the Korean War, the 83rd U.S. Congress -- at the urging of the veterans service organizations -- amended the Act of 1938 by striking out the word "Armistice" and inserting the word "Veterans." With the approval of this legislation on June 1,…

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Did you take advantage of the warm albeit rainy weather this past week? It was hard for the kiddies to go Trick or Treating with the intermittent rain, but they did get a reprieve with the heat and were able go out later in the day without coats. Many of the schools had a Halloween parade around the school grounds. It’s fun to get dressed up for the day.

Were you able to attend the Tenant, Homeowner and Landlord Resource Housing Resource Fair at the Staten Island Museum Auditorium in Snug Harbor, the Scandinavian Holiday Fair at Eger Home, the Fundraiser Clothing Drive and 5th Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive with Friends of Kivlehan Park to benefit Project Hospitality on Saturday, or Community Christmas Holiday Fair at the Reformed Protestant Dutch…

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