Did your kiddies have a wonderful President’s week off, sleeping late and enjoying no homework? I appreciated the empty roads, no school buses blocking every street I happened to be on and hearing the happy sounds of children playing outside in the parks and yards.

Do you live in the moment? Do you practice mindfulness, relaxation exercises, yoga, meditation, prayer? A few years ago while I recuperated from surgery, a neuropsychologist invited the Rehab patients to a Mindfulness session. I (Doubting Thomas) immediately pegged it as quackery; after 30 minutes, I was a disciple. The pain was gone. When my family wanted to visit, I tried to dissuade them. They persisted! As soon as the kiddies arrived they hugged, kissed and cuddled with me; the pain…

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Did you attend Prompted: A Creative Writing Session at the Todt Hill-Westerleigh Library  on Friday or join the Friends of the Olmsted-Beil House for "Love in the Writings of Frederick Law Olmsted and Other Staten Island Love Stories" on Sunday?  For those of you who love “love letters” and wish you could write something memorable to your dear ones, these events are a good start. I have received a number of love letters in my life and have kept and cherished but a few. The cards and letters that have really touched my soul were handmade and written from the heart. I searched today for cards and/or letters that were sent to me by loved ones over the years.  


The most special letters I have received were written to me for no special occasion…

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Did you attend any of the arts & crafts events this week? Adult Craft: Make Your Own Bracelet at Great Kills Library, CloseKnit at the Noble Maritime Collection, Kinetic Geometry for teens with MakerSpace at the Todt Hill-Westerleigh Library, Valentine’s Card-Making Event at Every Thing Goes Book Café, Crochet 4 Kidz Club at Todt Hill-Westerleigh Library, Crazy Little Thing Called Love: How to Write Your Own Love Song at West New Brighton Library, Victorian Valentine Workshop at Historic Richmondtown, participate inFull Moon Drum Circle at Every Thing Goes Book Café, or Staten Island OutLOUD’s: Local Mariners, Local History at Leidy's Shore Inn or enjoy Spoken Word at Art on the Terrace or finally sign your kids up for the Zimmer Club Free Youth Program?

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I personally witnessed, along with many other hardy (and hearty) folks, Staten Island Chuck, our favorite prognosticator, predict an early Spring, on a damp, cold Sunday morning 02/02/2020—the first global palindrome day in 909 years!  I’m thrilled that warmer weather is coming soon.  As for the palindrome day, we won’t experience this unique phenomenon for another 101 years on 12/12/2121. That’s a fact!  Following are some photos from the event.

Awhile ago, I told you about meeting Mona Oman, a commercial artist and mother of two, beautifying the side of a building on Henderson and Davis Avenues.  As soon as those rare, odd winter days in the 50’s surprised us, Mona would seize the day, arrange her paints and carry on with her…

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