Today is Flag Day:

Since early childhood, I recall an American Flag being flown each morning from my home and brought in each evening.  I continue to fly my country's flag each morning and bring it in each evening.

After the tragedy of 9/11, the trend was to show patriotism and love of America by flying flags from cars, homes and businesses, on highways from car dealerships to government buildings.  It was an inspiring sight. 

Recently, I began to wonder, "What happened to that show of patriotism and love of America?  How many Staten Islander's fly an American flag?"  I decided to take a ride through my neighborhood and was pleasantly surprised.  On one street, there were four houses in a row displaying American flags.  On apartment balconies, in parks, on monuments and in cemeteries, I discovered Old Glory waving.

Our local artist, Scott Lobaido, has traveled across the country painting flags on homes, police stations, fire houses.  Most recently, he has embarked on a 50 state tour, painting on VFW and American Legion Posts, thanking and honoring veterans for their service and promoting patriotism.

A friend, Dawn, shared a picture of her church group with the caption, "Stand Behind your Flag".  How wonderful is this!

G.I. Joe, the monument to Fallen Soldiers from New Brighton at Goodhue Park. 

Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States which happened on that day in 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. The United States Army also celebrates the Army Birthday on this date; Congress adopted "the American continental army" after reaching a consensus position in the Committee of the Whole on June 14, 1775. 


The oldest continuing Flag Day parade is at Fairfield, WA
. Beginning in 1909 or 1910, Fairfield has held a parade every year since, with the possible exception of 1918, and celebrated the "Centennial" parade in 2010, along with some other commemorative events.

Quincy, MA has had an annual Flag Day parade since 1952 and claims it "is the longest-running parade of its kind in the nation." The largest Flag Day parade is held annually in Troy, NY, which bases its parade on the Quincy parade and typically draws 50,000 spectators. In addition, the Three Oaks, MI Flag Day Parade is held annually on the weekend of Flag Day and is a three-day event.  They claim to have the largest flag day parade in the nation as well as the oldest.


Today at 3, St. John's University, 300 Howard Ave. is hosting a FREE concert “Saluting the Flag in Song and Dance” celebrating the 240th birthday of  the U.S. Army.  It will feature a full Richmond County Orchestra, Riverside Opera Company singers with the New American Youth Ballet and Dawn Daniels' Irish Step Dancers, 40 troops, a 30 x 50 foot flag and a cake.


Posted by Joan Coogan on


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