Since early childhood, an American Flag has flown each morning from my home and brought in each evening.  I continue this tradition of my parents. Wouldn't you think that after the terrorist attacks on 911, in Orlando this weekend and around the world, AND with this year's historical Presidential race, people would be proud to be a citizen of the United States, where all are FREE to speak their mind and write about what they believe.  Isn't this the reason why so many immigrants are flocking to our shores?  Why isn't our great American flag flown with pride everywhere?  Shouldn't people want to show their patriotism? 

The 4th of July Parade takes place on Victory Blvd. in Travis every year.  I walked around that neighborhood Sunday and saw many American flags flown from houses.  "Maybe Travis is the most patriotic neighborhood on Staten Island", I mused. 



I passed through College Ave. and stopped to snap a picture of this wonderful house with so many American Flags flying proudly.  I told the owner, who was watering her lawn, that I so admired her display of patriotism. 


I then drove through West Brighton namely Morrison Ave. from Broadway onward to Bement Ave.  I noticed flags mounted on poles throughout those two long blocks, waving proudly among many majestic trees.  Many owners have joined in and display flags from their homes.  A resident told me a new owner of one of the homes paid for those flags to be installed.  That is what I call a patriot!  Maybe Morrison Ave. is the most patriotic of blocks!

Our local artist, Scott Lobaido, traveled across the country painting flags on homes, police stations, fire houses.  Last year, he embarked on a 50 state tour, painting on VFW and American Legion Posts, thanking and honoring veterans for their service and promoting patriotism. Below is another piece of his artwork displayed during the Memorial Parade on Forest Ave.

Just in case you did not know, following are some interesting facts about Flag Day: 

Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States which happened on that day in 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. The United States Army also celebrates the Army Birthday on this date; Congress adopted "the American continental army" after reaching a consensus position in the Committee of the Whole on June 14, 1775. 

The oldest continuing Flag Day parade is at Fairfield, WA. Beginning in 1909 or 1910, Fairfield has held a parade every year since, with the possible exception of 1918, and celebrated the "Centennial" parade in 2010, along with some other commemorative events.

Quincy, MA has had an annual Flag Day parade since 1952 and claims it "is the longest-running parade of its kind in the nation." The largest Flag Day parade is held annually in Troy, NY, which bases its parade on the Quincy parade and typically draws 50,000 spectators. In addition, the Three Oaks, MI Flag Day Parade is held annually on the weekend of Flag Day and is a three-day event.  They claim to have the largest flag day parade in the nation as well as the oldest.  


Posted by Joan Coogan on


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Very well done. Interested photo of flags on Staten Island home all over town. It gave me goose bumps just looking at it. I will again hang up high and fly my american flag again, Im feeling very patriotic again.
Thanks Joan

Posted by Andrew Arezzo on Tuesday, June 14th, 2016 at 2:55pm

Thank you, Andrew, for your comments--It made my day! I hope it wasn't just my imagination, but I saw a lot more flags than usual flying today. Lol!


Posted by Joan Coogan on Tuesday, June 14th, 2016 at 9:51pm

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