This April 2016 there were 08 homes sold in Huguenot . The highest selling price was $590,000, while the lowest selling price was $261,000.

Here is a list of all the address sold in Huguenot  this April:
  1. 3-5 Albourne Avenue  E
  2. 332 Huguenot Avenue
  3. 414 Darlington  Avenue
  4. 39 Hammlock  Lane  
  5. 218 Prall Avenue
  6. 30 Dogwood Drive
  7. 655 Ruthbun Avenue
  8. 624 Marcy Avenue
 As of today,May 5th 2016, there are 26 active properties in Huguenot . The highest listing price of these properties is $1,950,000, while the lowest is $237,000

Here is a list of all the address of the active listings in Huguenot :

  1. 51 Stack Drive A      
  2. 57 Lombard Court   
  3. 95 West Terrace       
  4. 63 Bunnell Court     
  5. 17 Mimosa Lane     
  6. 485 Crown Avenue     
  7. 34 Rose Lane   
  8. 131 Ramona Avenue   
  9. 180 Nippon Avenue     
  10. 78 Hawley Avenue  
  11. 15 Androvette Avenue      
  12. 11 Androvette Avenue   
  13. 110 Prall Avenue   
  14. 178 Kingdom Avenue     
  15. 440 Darlington Avenue      
  16. 74 Russek Drive   
  17. 109 Russek Drive      
  18. 1181 Woodrow Road     
  19. 668 Huguenot Avenue    
  20. 480 Huguenot Avenue  
  21. 685 Lamont Avenue  
  22. 5434 Amboy Road     
  23. 5508 Amboy Road  
  24. 5504 Amboy Road   
  25. 34 Lynch Street   
  26. 16 Country Lane  


This April 2016 there were 04 homes sold in Woodrow . The highest selling price was $548,000 while the lowest selling price was $288,000.

Here is  the address of  homes  sold in  Woodrow this  April:
  1. 100 Darnell Lane
  2. 32 Arrowood Court 520
  3. 1598 Woodrow  Road
  4. 90 Robin Court
As of today,May 5th 2016, there are 06 active properties in  Woodrow. The highest listing price of these properties is $1,299,000, while the lowest is $495,000.

Here is a list of all the address of the active listings in Woodrow :

  1. 148 Clay Pit Road
  2. 933 Ionia Avenue
  3. 80 Santa Monica  Lane
  4. 68 Robin Court
  5. 1011 Sheldon Avenue
  6. 865 Sheldon Avenue

This April 2016 there were 11 homes sold in Rossville . The highest selling price was $495,000, while the lowest selling price was $220,000.

Here are  the address of  homes  sold in Rossville this April:
  1. 198 Lucille  Avenue   
  2.  282 Malvin Avenue
  3. 860 Bloomingdale Road
  4. 120 Bower Court
  5. 567 Correll Avenue
  6. 659 Correll  Avenue  A
  7. 163 Lorraine Loop 
  8. 197 Lorraine Loop 
  9. 20 Lorraine Loop
  10. 104 Harris Lane
  11. 50 Millennium Loop  
As of today,May 5th 2016, there are 19 active properties in Rossville. The highest listing price of these properties is $1,175,000, while the lowest is $325,000.

Here is a list of all the address of the active listings in Rossville:

  1. 158 Wirt  Avenue   
  2. 29 Saint Lukes Avenue  *  
  3. 39 Hemlock Court    
  4. 80 Harris Lane    
  5. 119 Mallow Street   
  6. 31 Clay Pit Road   
  7. 24 Larch Court        
  8. 252 Malvine  Avenue   
  9. 224 Lorraine Loop      
  10.  31 Lorraine Loop   
  11. 294 Mason Boulevard  
  12. 69 Mason Boulevard   
  13. 464  Correll Avenue   
  14. 164 Balsam Place    
  15. 205 Balsam Place   
  16. 35 Aron Lane   
  17. 37 Aron Lane  
  18. 75 Gervil Street   
  19. 39 Knesel Street   
For more information about any of the prices for the homes listed above, give us a call at 718-442-4400.

If you're curious about your home's market value, use our free Comparative Market Analysis tool! You'll get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents at your leisure.

Posted by Dil Gillani on


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