This August 2016 there were 06 homes sold in Midland Beach . The highest selling price was $425,000, while the lowest selling price was $250,000.
Here is the list of all the addresses of homes sold  in Midland Beach this August:
- 649 Greeley Avenue
- 13 Hempstead Avenue
- 24 Mapleton Avenue
- 506 Lincoln Avenue
- 290 Freeborn Street
- 111 Moreland Street
As of today,September 9th 2016, there are 15 active properties in Midland Beach.The highest listing price of these properties is $699,999,while the lowest is $225,000.
Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings in Midland Beach :  Â
- 550 Greeley Avenue Â
- 178 Grimsby  Street  Â
- 371 Grimsby Street  Â
- 603 Lincoln Avenue  Â
- 889  Patterson Avenue  Â
- 791 Patterson Avenue Â
- 182 Freeborn Street  Â
- 1200 Olympia Boulevard Â
- 942 Olympia Boulevard  Â
- 184 Freeborn Street    Â
- 856 Olympia Boulevard  A Â
- 416 Hamden Avenue Â
- 8 Iroquois Street Â
- 1262 Mason Avenue Â
- 15 Mapleton AvenueÂ
This August 2016 there were 06 homes sold in South Beach .The highest selling price was $533,000, while the lowest selling price was $200,000.
Here is the list of all the addresses of homes sold  in South Beach this August:
- 73 Alex Circle
- 56 Appleby Avenue  Â
- 133 Kramer Street  Â
- 255 Father Capodanno Boulevard  Â
- 229 Father Capodanno Boulevard Â
- 453Â Father Capodanno Boulevard Â
As of today,September 9th 2016, there are 11 active properties in South Beach.The highest listing price of these properties is $849,900, while the lowest is $299,000.
Here is a list of all the addresses of the active listings in South Beach:
- 16 Andrews Street  Â
- 25 Mallory Avenue  Â
- 137 Olympia Boulevard  Â
- 51 Crestwater Court Â
- 64 Wentworth Avenue  Â
- 2 McCormick Place Â
- 16 Mclaughlin Street Â
- 356 Sand Lane  Â
- 45 Nugent Avenue  Â
- 20 Sunnymeade Village  Â
- 108 Arthur Avenue  Â
For more information about any of the prices for the homes listed above, give us a call at 718-442-4400.
If you're curious about your home's market value, use our free Comparative Market Analysis tool! You'll get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents at your leisure.
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