This December 2015 there were 05 homes sold in Bay Terrace. The highest selling price was $675,388, while the lowest selling price was $99,000.

 Here is a list of all the addresses sold in Bay Terrace this December:
  1. 16 Bay Terrace 2h
  2. 115 Redgrave Avenue
  3. 50 Nancy Court
  4. 63 Bartow Street
  5. 17 Sheridan Court
As of today  January 9th 2016, there are 06 active properties in Bay Terrace. The highest listing price of these properties is $935,000, while the lowest is $105,000.

Here is a list of all the addresses of the active listings in Bay Terrace:

  1. 34 Bay Terrace 2h
  2. 28 Bay Terrace 1h
  3. 3465 Amboy Road 1f
  4. 1680 Timber Ridge Drive
  5. 58 Hooper Avenue
  6. 166 Bay Terrace
This  December 2015 there were  14 homes sold in New Dorp. The highest selling price was $690,500, while the lowest selling price was $199,000.
Here is a list of all the addresses sold in New Dorp this  December:
  1. 249 Finley Avenue
  2. 25 Neutral Avenue
  3. 37 Isernia Avenue
  4. 239 Jacques Avenue
  5. 25  7th Street
  6. 130 Milton  Avenue
  7. 49 Beach Avenue
  8. 66 Bancroft Avenue
  9. 159 Cannon Boulevard
  10. 101 Otis Avenue
  11. 186 Burbank Avenue 
  12. 99 Titus Avenue
  13. 21 Beach Avenue
  14. 22 Clawson Street

As of today, January 9th  2016, there are 26 active properties in New Dorp. The highest listing price of these properties is $890,000 while the lowest is $289,000.

Here is a list of all the addresses of the active listings in New Dorp:

  1. 140 Hett Avenue
  2. 12 Milbank Road
  3. 23 Winham Avenue
  4. 47 Milbank Road
  5. 22 Hett Avenue
  6. 325 Beach Avenue
  7. 3048 Richmond Road 
  8. 92 Pelican Circle
  9. 27 Winham  Avenue
  10. 264 Edison Street
  11. 125 Bancroft Avenue
  12. 748 Tysens  Lane
  13. 22 Milbank Road
  14. 3 Foxholm Street
  15. 74 Bancroft  Avenue
  16. 132 Marine Way
  17.  107 Beach Avenue
  18. 64 Garibaldi  
  19. 151 Ross  Avenue
  20. 80 1st Street
  21. 161 3rd Street
  22. 53 Milton Avenue
  23. 64 Hett Avenue
  24. 2309 Hylan Boulevard
  25. 101 Titus Avenue
  26. 346 Beach Avenue

This December 2015 there were 04 homes sold in Oakwood. The highest selling price was $553,000, while the lowest selling price was $388,000.

Here is a list of all the addresses sold in Oakwood this  December:

  1. 41 Fairbanks Avenue
  2. 161 Malone Avenue
  3. 198 Fairbanks Avenue
  4. 126 Cedarview Avenue
As of today, January 9th  2016, there are 14 active properties in Oakwood. The highest listing price of these properties is $794,400, while the lowest is $349,900.

Here is a list of all the addresses of the active listings in Oakwood:

  1. 518 Falcon Avenue
  2. 1668 South Railroad Avenue
  3. 407 Stoneham Street
  4. 408 Lynn Street
  5. 353 Montreal Avenue
  6. 100 Montreal Avenue
  7. 177 Chesterton Avenue
  8. 570 Pendale Street
  9. 331 Penn Avenue
  10. 185 Guyon Avenue
  11. 60 Whitehall Street
  12. 75 Cannon Boulevard
  13. 201 Currie Avenue
  14. 402 Riga Street
For more information about any of the prices for the homes listed above, give us a call at 718-442-4400.

If you're curious about your home's market value, use our free Comparative Market Analysis tool! You'll get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents at your leisure.

Posted by Dil Gillani on
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