This December 2016 there were 05 homes sold in Bay Terrace.The highest selling price was $780,000,while the lowest selling price was $450,000.
Here is the list of all addresses of the homes sold in Bay Terrace this December:
- 42 Thollen Street
- 87 Thollen Street
- 21 Bartow Street
- 52 Meadow Lane
- 55 Kelvin Avenue
As of today,January 4th 2017, there are 05 active properties in Bay Terrace. The highest listing price of these properties is $485,000, while the lowest is $309,000.
Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings in Bay Terrace:Â
- 33 Thayer Place
- 3298 Amboy Road     Â
- 148 Buffalo Street
- 266 Timber Ridge Drive
- 9 Chesterton Avenue
 This December 2016 there were 11 homes sold in New Dorp. The highest selling price was $760,000, while the lowest selling price was $310,000.
 Here is a list of all addresses of homes sold in New Dorp this December:   Â
- 53 Milton Avenue  Â
- 138 Milton Avenue Â
- 247 Locust Avenue Â
- 173 Winham AvenueÂ
- 241 Jacques Avenue
- 81 Belfast Avenue
- 126 Cannon Boulevard
- 22 2nd StreetÂ
- 254 10th Street
- 20 Michelle Lane
- 22 Beacon Lane
 As of today,January 4th 2017, there are 13 active properties in New Dorp. The highest listing price of these properties is $1,079,000 while the lowest is $269,000.
Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings in New Dorp:
- 272 Greeley Avenue   Â
- 346 Beach Avenue     Â
- 65 Otis Avenue  Â
- 17 Bancroft Avenue Â
- 97 Coddington Avenue  Â
- 31 Coddington Avenue        Â
- 107 Bache Avenue Â
- 62 Bache Avenue       Â
- 166 Allison Avenue   Â
- 2334 Richmond RoadÂ
- 252 Mill Road
- 74 2nd StreetÂ
- 7 Wavecrest Street Â
This December 2016 there were 11 homes sold in Oakwood. The highest selling price was $815,000, while the lowest selling price was $415,000.
Here is a list of all the addresses of homes sold in Oakwood this December:
- 2 Sheridan Court
- 73 Guyon Avenue
- 377 Oak Avenue
- 510 Oak Avenue
- 404 Amherst  Avenue
- 288 Fairbanks Avenue
- 312 Fairbanks Avenue
- 10 Emmet Avenue
- 315 Isabella Avenue
- 3173 Hylan Boulevard
- 36 Park Street
As of today,January 4th 2017, there are 05 active properties in Oakwood. The highest listing price of these properties is $1,500,000, while the lowest is $299,000.
Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings in Oakwood:     Â
- 309 Guyon Avenue   Â
- 31 Currie Avenue        Â
- 6 Arc Place B1 Â Â
- 512 Riga Street  Â
- 68 Tarlton StreetÂ
If you're curious about your home's market value, use our free Comparative Market Analysis tool! You'll get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents at your leisure. Posted by Dil Gillani on
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