This February 2017 there were 11 homes sold in Heartland Village. The highest selling price was $785,000, while the lowest selling price was $120,000.
Here is a list of all addresses of homes sold in  Heartland Village this February:
- 72 Bridgetown Street   Â
- 79 Villa Nova Street   Â
- 7 Wellinton Court   Â
- 493 Travis Avenue      Â
- 103 Richmond Hill Road Â
- 2 Elwood Park Drive 605 Â Â Â Â
- 1298 Rockland Avenue 2h Â
- 996 Rockland Avenue   Â
- 27 Gadsen Place   Â
- 47 Saturn Lane A Â Â
- 9 Furness Place  Â
 As of today,March 6th 2017, there are 22 active properties in  Heartland Village. The highest listing price of these properties is $949,000, while the lowest is $195,000.
- 411 Richmond Hill Road
- 5 Windham Loop 4g
- 84 Lamped Loop A
- 205 Steinway Avenue  Â
- 1191 Rockland Avenue  Â
- 1306 Rockland Avenue 2-A
- 56 Braisted Avenue
- 310 Nome Avenue
- 259 Merrmount Street  Â
- 32 Country Drive E A
- 2 Elmwood Park #613
- 592 Klondike Avenue
- 754 Klondike Avenue
- 43 Denker Place Â
- 135 Keating Place
- 19 Gadsen Place 1e Â
- 41 Devon Loop A Â Â
- 40 Grissom Avenue #1
- 38 Venus Lane  Â
- Â 2 Elie Court
- 172 Mcveigh AvenueÂ
- 70 Mcveigh Avenue  Â
This February 2017 there was 01 home sold in Latourette. The selling price was $325,000.
Here is the address of home sold in Latourette this February:
- 1726 Forest Hill Road
  As of today,March 6th 2017, there are 06 active properties in Latourette. The highest listing price of these properties is $579,000, while the lowest is $288,888.
Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings in Latourette:
- 115 Pierpont Place
- 1235 Forest Hill Road  1j
- 1235 Forest Hill Road  1h Â
- 1235 Forest Hill Road  2d
- 91 Lewiston Street  Â
- 67 Rumson Road
This February 2017 there were 08 homes sold in New Springville .The highest selling price was $598,000, while the lowest selling price was $229,100.
Here is a list of all addresses of homes sold in  New Springville this February:  Â
- 173 Freedom Avenue  Â
- 11 Cooper Terrace Â
- 43 Devon LoopÂ
- 20a Elmwood Park Drive
- 61 Copley Street
- 40 Dinsmore Street C
- 56 Saturn Lane
- 28 Sweetgum Lane
Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings in New Springville :Â
- 26 Elie Court  Â
- 795 Klondike Avenue Â
- 2 Elmwood Park Drive
- 124 Rockville Avenue  Â
- 80 Dinsmore Street D
- 1292 Rockland Avenue 1b
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Posted by Dil Gillani on
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