This January 2017 there were 03 homes sold in Bay Terrace.The highest selling price was $710,000,while the lowest selling price was $306,000.

Here is the list of all addresses of the homes sold in Bay Terrace this January:

  1. 42 Stonecrest Court
  2. 18 Bartow Street
  3. 14 Fawn Lane
As of today,February 11th 2017, there are 04 active properties in Bay Terrace. The highest listing price of these properties is $799,999, while the lowest is $255,000.

Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings in Bay Terrace: 

  1. 17 Thayer Place
  2. 57 Sheridan Court
  3. 148 Timber Ridge Drive
  4. 9 Chesterton Avenue


 This January 2017 there were 14 homes sold in New Dorp. The highest selling price was $825,000, while the lowest selling price was $200,000.

 Here is a list of all addresses of homes sold in New Dorp this January:     

  1. 209 Reno Avenue    
  2. 178 Milton Avenue  
  3. 17 7th Street    
  4. 43 7th Street    
  5. 91 9th Street   
  6. 220 Hett Avenue
  7. 64 Hett Avenue
  8. 19 Thomas Place
  9. 29 Grace Road
  10. 2703 Amboy Road
  11. 297 Otis Avenue
  12. 162 Mill Road
  13. 40 Milbank Road
  14. 36 Finley Avenue
 As of today,February 11th 2017, there are 17 active properties in New Dorp. The highest listing price of these properties is $1,079,000 while the lowest is $269,000.

Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings in New Dorp:
  1. 272 Greeley Avenue     
  2. 26 Cuba Avenue     
  3. 40 Garibaldi Avenue    
  4. 17 Bancroft Avenue  
  5. 336 Rose Avenue   
  6. 97 Coddington Avenue   
  7. 31 Coddington Avenue           
  8. 146 Milton Avenue   
  9. 102 Weed Avenue    
  10. 107 Bache Avenue  
  11. 24 Isernia Avenue    
  12. 66 Marine Way
  13. 160 Tysens Lane    
  14. 252 Mill Road   
  15. 328 Mill Road   
  16. 25 2nd Street    
  17. 7 Wavecrest Street  


This January 2017 there were 08 homes sold in Oakwood. The highest selling price was $810,000, while the lowest selling price was $342,000.
Here is a list of all the addresses of homes sold in Oakwood this January:
  1. 22 Erwin Court
  2. 71 Cranford Court
  3. 2039 South Railroad Avenue
  4. 26 Rberts Drive
  5. 257 Chesterton Aveune
  6. 23 Joel Place
  7. 450 Pendale Street
  8. 512 Medina  Street

As of today,February 11th 2017, there are 07 active properties in Oakwood. The highest listing price of these properties is $789,999, while the lowest is $299,000.

Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings in Oakwood:       

  1. 95 Malone Avenue  
  2. 425 Tarrytown Avenue  
  3. 31 Currie Avenue          
  4. 6 Arc Place B1   
  5. 355 8th Street  
  6. 68 Tarlton Street 
  7. 1911 North Railroad Avenue
For more information about any of the prices for the homes listed above, give us a call at 718-442-4400.
If you're curious about your home's market value, use our free Comparative Market Analysis tool! You'll get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents at your leisure. Posted by Dil Gillani on


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