This June 2016 there were 04 homes sold in Midland Beach . The highest selling price was $567,000, while the lowest selling price was $405,000.

Here are  the addresses of  homes sold  in Midland Beach this June:
  1. 510 Lincoln Avenue
  2. 293 Poultney Street
  3. 765 Patterson Avenue
  4. 342 Colony Avenue
As of today,July 17th  2016, there are 16 active properties in Midland Beach. The highest listing price of these properties is $550,000, while the lowest is $197,000.

Here is a list of all the address of the active listings in Midland Beach :

  1. 1061 Father Capodanno Boulevard     
  2. 951 Patterson Avenue
  3. 238 Colony Avenue
  4. 371 Grimsby  Street    
  5. 603 Lincoln Avenue
  6. 908  Patterson Avenue  
  7. 889  Patterson Avenue   
  8. 791 Patterson Avenue
  9. 192 Kiswick Street
  10. 182 Freeborn Street    
  11. 1200 Olympia Boulevard
  12. 184 Freeborn Street    
  13. 109 Mapleton Avenue   
  14. 856 Olympia Boulevard    
  15. 416 Hamden Avenue  
  16. 186 Kiswick Street

This June 2016 there were 09 homes sold in South Beach . The highest selling price was $585,000, while the lowest selling price was $350,000.

Here are  the address of  homes sold  in South Beach this June:
  1. 290 Mallory Avenue
  2. 11 Doty Avenue
  3. 97 Winfield Street
  4. 121 Hickory Avenue
  5. 120 Jackson Avenue
  6. 51 Alex Circle
  7. 137 Arthur Avuenue
  8. 38 Lamport Boulevard
  9. 335 Mallory Avenue
As of today, July 17th  2016, there are 10 active properties in South Beach. The highest listing price of these properties is $865,000, while the lowest is $114,900.

Here is a list of all the address of the active listings in South Beach:

  1. 16 Andrews Street
  2. 305 Norway Avenue
  3. 23 Alex Circle
  4. 356 Sand Lane
  5. 137 Olympia Boulevard
  6. 205 Father Capodanno Boulevard
  7. 74 Winfield Street
  8. 321 Quintard Street
  9. 64 Wentworth Avenue
  10. 2 McCormick Place

For more information about any of the prices for the homes listed above, give us a call at 718-442-4400.

If you're curious about your home's market value, use our free Comparative Market Analysis tool! You'll get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents at your leisure.

Posted by Dil Gillani on


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