In the month of March 2017 there were 08 homes sold in Bay Terrace.The highest selling price was $799,000,while the lowest selling price was $103,000.
Here is the list of all addresses of the homes sold in Bay Terrace this March:
- 140 Hopkins Avenue
- 30 Bartow Street
- 3642 Amboy Road
- 3701 Hylan Boulevard
- 17 Thollen Street
- 89 Woodcutters Lane
- 34 Bay Terrace Road F
- 18 Bay Terrace
 In the month of March 2017 there were 10 homes sold in New Dorp. The highest selling price was $850,000, while the lowest selling price was $257,000.
 Here is a list of all addresses of homes sold in New Dorp this March:   Â
- 58 Otis Avenue   Â
- 102 Otis Avenue 1DÂ
- 80 Mill Road
- 102 Otis Avenue 2D Â Â
- 206 Prescott Aveune   Â
- 114 Brancroft Avenue
- 48 Behan Court Â
- 82 Finley Avenue  Â
- 160 Tysens Lane
- 74 2nd Street  Â
In the month of March 2017 there were 09 homes sold in Oakwood. The highest selling price was $800,000, while the lowest selling price was $452,000.
Here is a list of all the addresses of homes sold in Oakwood this March:
- 136 Oak Avenue
- 391 Fairbanks Avenue
- 349 Fairbanks Avenue
- 20 Grayson Street Â
- 164 Guyon Avenue  Â
- 28 Barry Court
- 59 Thomas Street
- 101 Tysens Lane
- 305 D Tysens Lane
If you're curious about your home's market value, use our free Comparative Market Analysis tool! You'll get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents at your leisure.
Posted by Dil Gillani on
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