In the month of 2017 there were 05 homes sold in Elm Park.The  highest selling price was $ 360,000,while the lowest selling price was $114,960.

Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in Elm Park this March:

  1. 61a Newark Avenue
  2. 59a Newark Avenue
  3. 2640 Richmond Terrace
  4. 220 Simonson Avenue
  5. 20 Lasalle Street


In the month of March 2017 there were 18 homes sold in Mariners Harbor.The highest selling price was $635,000,while the lowest selling price was $135,000.
Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in Mariners Harbor this March:
  1. 315 Dixon Avenue
  2. 198 Van Name Avenue    
  3. 288 Simmonson Avenue     
  4. 309 Harbor Road
  5. 360 Harbor Road
  6. 138 Dehart Avenue
  7. 84 Westbrook Avenue      
  8. 99 Union Avenue
  9. 45 Union Avenue  
  10. 69 Bush Avenue
  11. 149 Holland Avenue
  12. 148 Holland Avenue
  13. 188 Arlington Place   
  14. 42 Maple Parkway 
  15. 191 Pond Way 
  16. 43 Winant Street 
  17. 3342 Richmond Terrace A 
  18. 31 Fancher Place


In the month of March 2017 there were 16 homes sold in Port Richmond.The highest selling price was $494,000,while the lowest selling price was $221,500.
Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in Port Richmond this March:
  1. 24 River Lane
  2. 26 River Lane  
  3. 47 Montell Street  
  4. 83 John Street
  5. 78 Cortlandt Street
  6. 99 Maple Avenue 
  7. 159 Palmer Avenue
  8. 391 Jewett Avenue
  9. 99 Blackford Avenue
  10. 15 Bayonne Court
  11. 19 Bayonne Court
  12. 60 Nicholas Avenue
  13. 28 Hooker Place
  14. 8 Laforge Place
  15. 5 Avenue B
  16. 2150 Richmond Terrace
 For more information about any of the prices for the home listed above ,give us a call at 718-442-4400.
If you're curious about your home's market value ,use our free Comparative Market Ananlysis tool!
You will get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents on your own discretion.
Posted by Dil Gillani on


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