This  November  2015 there were 22 homes sold in Great Kills. The highest selling price was $632,000, while the lowest selling price was $129,000.

Here is a list of all the addresses sold in Great Kills this  November :
  1. 20  Sampson Avenue
  2. 220 Tennyson Drive
  3. 98 Russell Street
  4. 14 Stieg Avenue
  5. 304 Elverton Avenue
  6. 49 Gibson Avenue
  7. 172 Dewwy  Avenue
  8. 246 Cleveland Avenue
  9. 193 Nelson Avenue
  10. 492 Elverton Avenue
  11. 174 Wiman Avenue
  12. 26 Yatch Club Cove
  13. 8 Country Woods Lane
  14. 419 Leverett Avenue
  15. 60 Harbour Court
  16. 48 Elmwood  Avenue
  17. 100 E Macon  Avenue
  18. 1 Wilson Avenue
  19. 155 E Figurea Avenue
  20. 121 Rustic Place
  21. 30 Ackerman  Street D
  22. 721 Durant  Avenue
 As of today, December 2nd, 2015, there are 72  active properties in Great Kills. The highest listing price of these properties is $999,000, while the lowest is $170,000.

Here is a list of all the addresses of the active listings in Great Kills:

  1. 3747 Amboy Road 5a
  2. 922 Armstrong Avenue 1-1
  3. 104 Armstrong Avenue
  4. 924 Armstrong Avenue 1-1
  5. 4177 Amboy Road 
  6. 93 Glover Street
  7. 25 Katan Loop B
  8. 160 Katan  Avenue B2
  9. 6 Goodall Street
  10. 93 Armstrong Avenue
  11. 81 Armstrong Avenue
  12. 295 Leverett Avenue
  13. 104 Armstrong Avenue
  14. 44 Harbour Court
  15. 3705 Amboy Road
  16. 74 Davis Street
  17. 348 Cleveland Avenue
  18. 384 Brookfield Avenue
  19. 64 Goodall Street 
  20. 348 Cleveland Avenue
  21. 349 Brookfield Avenue
  22. 4062 Amboy Road
  23. 88 Stieg Avenue
  24. 249  Armstrong Avenue
  25. 139 Tennyson Drive
  26. 74 Heinz Avenue
  27. 40 Heinz Avenue
  28. 279 Colon Avenue
  29. 386 Gurley Avenue
  30. 15 Dorit Court
  31. 346 Tanglewood Drive
  32. 4177 Amboy Road
  33. 465 Doane Avenue
  34. 151 Tennyson Drive
  35. 257 Doane Avenue
  36. 222 Corbin Avenue
  37. 3941 Hylan Boulevard
  38. 55 Exeter Street
  39. 142 King Street
  40. 317 Giffords Lane
  41. 119 Acacia Avenue
  42. 143 Tennyson Drive
  43. 95 Mansion Avenue
  44. 55 Sycamore Street
  45. 175 Lindenwood Road
  46. 317 Giffords Lane
  47. 286 Wilson Avenue
  48. 385 Corbin Avenue
  49. 73 Goodall Street 
  50. 66 Middle Loop
  51. 141 Nelson Avenue
  52. 99 Gibson Avenue
  53. 53 Gibson Avenue
  54. 534 Greaves Avenue
  55. 296 Colon Avenue
  56. 42 Harbour Court
  57. 85 Crispi Lane
  58. 12 Waterside Parkway 
  59. 27 Midland Road
  60. 4062 Amboy Road
  61. 41 Russell Street
  62. 20 E Stroud Avenue
  63. 57 Escanaba  Avenue
  64. 21 Ramble Road
  65. 3755 Amboy Road
  66. 120 Fairlawn Avenue
  67. 256 Hillside Terrace
  68. 5 Nash Court
  69. 59 Lindenwood Road
  70. 312 Doane Avenue
  71. 96 Driggs Street
  72. 88 Hillcrest Street
  For more information about any of the prices for the homes listed above, give us a call at 718-442-4400.

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Posted by Dil Gillani on
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