This November 2016 there were 02 homes sold in Elm Park.The  highest selling price was $ 460,000,while the lowest selling price was $369,000.
Here is the address of home sold in Elm Park this November:
- 264 Granite Avenue
- 98 Wenlock Street
As of today,December 16th 2016, there are 04 active properties in Elm Park.The highest listing price of these properties is $459,000,while the lowest is $249,000.
Here is a list of all the addresses of the active listings in Elm Park:
- 389 Morningstar Road     Â
- 362 Pulaski Avenue
- 19 John Street
- 220 Simonson Avenue
This November 2016 there were 10 homes sold in Mariners Harbor.The highest selling price was $365,000,while the lowest selling price was $87,500.
Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in Mariners Harbor this November:
- 73 South Avenue
- 43 Laguna Lane
- 333 Union Avenue      Â
- 49 Mersereau Avenue  Â
- 70 Macormac Place  Â
- 227 Netherland Avenue
- 207 Maple Parkway
- 125 Arlington Avenue
- 73a Arlington Avenue
- 2701 Geothals Road N F-6 Â
Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings in Mariners Harbor :
- 3007 Richmond Terrace   Â
- 3342 Richmond Terrace A Â Â Â Â
- 2766 Richmond Terrace    Â
- 18 Fancher Place   Â
- 31 Fancher Place     Â
- 97 Bush Avenue   Â
- 93 Bush Avenue  Â
- 137 South Avenue   Â
- 74 South Avenue   Â
- 68 South Avenue  Â
- 207 Van Name Avenue      Â
- 210 Union Avenue  Â
- 97 Union Avenue  Â
- 169 Arlington Avenue     Â
- 42 Maple Parkway   Â
- 78 Pond Way A Â Â
- 86 Brabant Street  Â
- 17 Continental Place   Â
- 138 Dehart Avenue   Â
- 342 Grandview Avenue  Â
- 149 Holland Avenue  Â
- 301 Andros Avenue   Â
This November 2016 there were 10 homes sold in Port Richmond.The highest selling price was $630,000,while the lowest selling price was $315,000.
Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in Port Richmond this November:
- 59 Riverside Lane     Â
- 50 Seymour Avenue  Â
- 67 Riverside Lane  Â
- 19 Riverside Lane  Â
- 46 Beekman Street  Â
- 36 Innis Street Â
- 340 Nicholas Avenue  Â
- 987 Post Avenue  Â
- 20 New Street  Â
- 98 Catherine Street Â
 As of today,December 16th 2016, there are 18 active properties in  Port Richmond.The highest listing price of these properties is $699,000,while the lowest is $153,000.
Here is a list of all addresses of the active listings  Port Richmond : Â
- 17 Bond Street     Â
- 24 Van Riper Street   Â
- 60 Innis Street   Â
- 1424 Castleton Avenue     Â
- 35 Mitchel Lane    Â
- 406 Jewett Avenue   Â
- 63 Seymour Avenue   Â
- 50 Palmer Avenue    Â
- 97 Nicholas Avenue   Â
- 31 Nicholas Avenue   Â
- 6 B Avenue    Â
- 2150 Port Richmond Avenue   Â
- 714 Port Richmond Avenue  Â
- 494 Port Richmond Avenue    Â
- 57 Trantor Place   Â
- 83 John Street  Â
- 552 Villa Avenue   Â
- 942 Post Avenue   Â
 For more information about any of the prices for the home listed above ,give us a call at 718-442-4400.
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Posted by Dil Gillani
You will get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents on your own discretion.
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