This October 2015 there were  02 homes sold in Clove Lake.The highest selling price was $330,000,while the lowest selling price was $175,000.
Here are  the address of two homes sold in Clove Lake this October:
- 1000 Clove Road 7r
- 1100 Clove Road 5-E
As of today, November 3rd 2015, there are 05 active properties in Clove Lake.The Highest listing price of these properties is $789,000,while the lowest is $65,000.
Here is a list of all the address of the active listings in Clove Lake:
- 1000 Clove Road 2f
- 1000 Clove Road 6b
- 1100 Clove Road 3o
- 1173 Clove RoadÂ
- 60 Greenway Drive
This October 2015 only 01  home sold in Sunnyside.The  selling price was $335,000.
Here is  the address of the home  sold in Sunnyside this October:
1.60 Aymar Avenue
As of today, November 3rd 2015, there are 05 active properties in Sunnyside.The Highest listing price of these properties is $999,900,while the lowest is $410,000.
Here is a list of all the address of the active listings in Sunnyside:
- 56 Alpine Avenue
- 15 Grand Avenue
- 125 Beverly Avenue
- 22 Walters Avenue
- 151 Logan Avenue
This October 2015 Â no home sold in Silver Lake.
As of today, November 3rd 2015, there are 06 active properties in Silver Lake.The Highest listing price of these properties is $759,900,while the lowest is $185,000.
Here is a list of all the address of the active listings in Silver Lake:
- 55 Austin Place 2l
- 307 Sharon Avenue
- 207 Hart BoulevardÂ
- 371 Sharon Avenue
- 363 Sharon Avenue
- 16 Greenway Drive
 For more information about any of the prices for the home listed above ,give us a call at 718-442-4400.
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