This September 2016 there were 03 homes sold in Elm Park.The highest selling price was $ 360,000,while the lowest selling price was $232,000.
Here is the list of addresses of homes sold in Elm Park this September:
- 116 Dixon Avenue
- 94 Wenlock Street
- 506 Melyn Place
As of today,October 10th 2016, there are 06 active properties in Elm Park.The highest listing price of these properties is $499,000,while the lowest is $292,000.
Here is a list of all the addresses of the active listings in Elm Park:
- 389 Morningstar Road  Â
- 235 Dixon Avenue  Â
- 362 Pulaski Avenue
- 150 Van Pelt Avenue
- 882 Richmond Avenue
- 220 Simonson Avenue

This September 2016 there were 10 homes sold in Mariners Harbor.The highest selling price was $410,000,while the lowest selling price was $143,000.
Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in Mariners Harbor this September:
- 10 Mersereau Avenue  Â
- 13 Leyden Avenue  Â
- 149 Arlington Avenue   Â
- 73 Arlington Avenue  Â
- 32 Holland Avenue  Â
- 28 Spirit Lane    Â
- 308 Andros Avenue  Â
- 41 Gridley Avenue  Â
- 317 Netherland Avenue
- 137 Northfield Avenue  Â
Here is a list of all the addresses of the active listings in Mariners Harbor :
- 3007 Richmond Terrace  Â
- 3342 Richmond Terrace A Â Â Â Â Â Â
- 5 Coonley Court    Â
- 34 Union Court   Â
- 18 Fancher Place  Â
- 31 Fancher Place   Â
- 29 South Avenue A Â Â Â Â
- 241 Lockman Avenue  Â
- 137 South Avenue   Â
- 139 Van Name Avenue    Â
- 30 Harbor Road      Â
- 149 Holland AvenueÂ
- 65 Van Pelt Avenue  Â
- 227 Netherland Avenue  Â
- 210 Union Avenue   Â
- 169 Arlington Avenue   Â
- 42 Maple Parkway  Â
- 191 Pond Way  Â
- 121 Pond Way  Â
- 164 Contiental Place   Â
- 138 Dehart Avenue  Â
- 49 Wright Avenue   Â

This September 2016 there were 13 homes sold in Port Richmond.The highest selling price was $540,000,while the lowest selling price was $160,000.
Here is the list of all addresses of homes sold in Port Richmond this September:
- 61 Riverside Lane  Â
- 65 Riverside Lane  Â
- 57 Riverside Lane  Â
- 35 Riverside Lane  Â
- 253 Charles Avenue   Â
- 252 Decker Avenue  Â
- 575 Port Richmond Avenue  Â
- 423 Heberton Avenue  Â
- 455 Heberton Avenue  Â
- 12 Simonson Place  Â
- 12 Laforge Avenue  Â
- 28 Haughwout Avenue  Â
- 5 Avenue B Street  Â
 As of today,October 10th 2016, there are 18 active properties in  Port Richmond.The highest listing price of these properties is $699,000,while the lowest is $269,000.
Here is a list of all the addresses of the active listings  Port Richmond : Â
- 17 Bond Street    Â
- 174 Treadwell Avenue   Â
- 2 Simonson Place  Â
- 406 Jewett Avenue  Â
- 295 Jewett Avenue  Â
- 82-84 Sharpe Avenue  Â
- 50 Palmer Avenue   Â
- 31 Nicholas Avenue   Â
- 6 B Avenue  Â
- 2150  Richmond Terrace  Â
- 714 Port Richmond Avenue  Â
- 50 Bache Street   Â
- 52 Bache Street  Â
- 195 Catherine Street Â
- 552 Villa Avenue  Â
- 942 Post Avenue  Â
- 29 Homestead Avenue  Â
- 35 Port Lane   Â
 For more information about any of the prices for the home listed above ,give us a call at 718-442-4400.
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Posted by Dil Gillani
You will get an instant home evaluation and even a free in-person assessment provided by one of our agents on your own discretion.
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