Just this past Friday, March 13th, the Staten Island Advance published another article that featured our real estate broker, and SIBOR president, Dil Gillani! 

The article gave detail about the annual agent day trade show coming up this Thursday, March 19th. This year, the show is being held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Bloomfield. The awards breakfast starts at 8:30 a.m., followed by the trade show which starts at 10 a.m., and topped off with the cocktail reception which starts at 4 p.m. The breakfast is $35, but entry to the trade show is free for all SIBOR members. This years agent day will feature over 500 realtors and more than 90 vendors! 

The picture above was the one associated with the article. It's a wonderful picture of Assemblywoman Nicole Maliotakis officially inducting Dil Gillani into his presidency at SIBOR.


We are so excited for Dil and we congratulate him on his second feature as president in the Staten Island Advance!

Posted by Dil Gillani on


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