I pray, my gentle readers, that your New Year’s Eve celebrations were enjoyable and shared with people you love and care about.  I attended a party (the first in many years) and had fun with my family and friends of the hosts and watching the children of different ages entertaining each other.  It was wholesome, and most of us lasted till midnight. 







It is always emotional when the clock strikes midnight as I fight to hide my tears. What will my life be like and that of my family? Who will be around, who won’t? Our family will have a wedding in May and a birth in June, so those are two blessed events.  I predict 2017 will be great and I will only think pleasant, positive thoughts!  Will you make resolutions, promises and goals, change some of your bad habits or pick up some new good habits?  Below I have posted lyrics from a Tim McGraw song.  Whenever I hear it, I wish it could be everyone’s mantra.  The last paragraph is the most telling.  How great would this world be if only we stayed “Humble and Kind”! 

"Humble And Kind" (written by Lori McKenna)

You know there's a light that glows by the front door
Don't forget the key's under the mat
When childhood stars shine,
Always stay humble and kind

Go to church 'cause your mamma says to
Visit grandpa every chance that you can
It won't be wasted time
Always stay humble and kind

Hold the door, say "please", say "thank you"
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got mountains to climb
But always stay humble and kind
When the dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride
But always stay humble and kind

Don't expect a free ride from no one
Don't hold a grudge or a chip and here's why:
Bitterness keeps you from flyin'
Always stay humble and kind

Know the difference between sleeping with someone
And sleeping with someone you love
"I love you" ain't no pick-up line
So always stay humble and kind

Hold the door, say "please", say "thank you"
Don't steal, don't cheat, and don't lie
I know you got mountains to climb
But always stay humble and kind
When those dreams you're dreamin' come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride
But always stay humble and kind

When it's hot, eat a root beer popsicle
Shut off the AC and roll the windows down
Let that summer sun shine
Always stay humble and kind

Don't take for granted the love this life gives you
When you get where you're going don't forget turn back around
And help the next one in line
Always stay humble and kind

On Wednesday, 1/4 at 4, get ready for some ooey gooey family fun in this five­ session workshop—Five Senses at the Tottenville Library, 7430 Amboy Rd.  Designed for preschool children, these sessions will be a hands-­on exploration of the five senses hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight.  Workshop series is FREE, but space is limited to 12 children so please register in advance by phone 718-984-0945 or in person at the library.

Participate in Adult Craft on Wednesday at 11:30 and learn how to make your own 3D Snowflake at the Great Kills Library, 56 Giffords Ln. Register in advance by calling 718-984-6670.  At 1, join the Knitting & Crocheting Club and meet your fellow stitchers in the neighborhood. Bring along your latest project to share.

Come to the New Dorp Library, 309 New Dorp Ln. on Wednesday at 5 for Legos Time!  Good for ages 3 and up.  Call 718-351-2977 for details.

The Mobile Market of City Harvest is held twice a month year-round and provides free fruits, vegetables and recipes.  The Mobile Market is held every 1st Wednesday and 3rd Saturday in front of the Senior Center at 22 Roxbury St. from 9:30–11:30 a.m. on the following dates:

Jan. 4 and 21, Feb. 1 and 18, Mar. 1 and 18, Apr. and 15, May 3 and 20, June 7 and 17.

You are eligible if you reside in Mariners Harbor, Todt Hill or West Brighton NYCHA houses, Arlington Terrace Apts or live in the 10302, 03, 10 or 14 zip codes.  Bring proof of address and matching photo ID.

The Mobile Market is held behind 75 Hill St. at Stapleton Houses every 1st Tuesday and 3rd Saturday of each month from 9:30-11:30 a.m. on the following dates:

Jan. 4 (moved from 1/3) and 21, Feb. 7 and 18, Mar. 7 and 18, April 4 and 15, May 2 and 20, June 6 and 17.

You are eligible if you participate in programs at the Stapleton Houses Senior Center or have a student in IS 49, reside in Berry, Cassidy Coles, New Lane, Richmond Terr., South Beach or Stapleton NYCHA houses, or live in the 10301, 04, 05 or 10 zip codes.  Bring proof of address and matching photo ID.

Bring your infants to 18 mos. of age to Baby Storytime: Baby & Me at the Tottenville Library, 7430 Amboy Rd. on Thursday, 1/5 at 11 where they will enjoy songs, rhymes, stories and playtime.  No pre-registration required!

Resume Open Lab Time will be on Thursday at noon at the Port Richmond Library, 75 Bennett St. This lab time is dedicated to job seekers who need one-on-one help creating a resume. Assistance with document formatting and proofreading will be available. Bring a written draft of your resume and a USB drive to save and/or print your resume.  First come, first served.  Call 718-442-0158 for info.

On Thursday at 2:30, enjoy an art session: Predictive Mystery with violin, percussion, bass, voices and video with Stvjns, Stephanie and Indira, at the Everything Goes Bookstore, 208 Bay St. For details, call 718-447-8256  

The Stapleton Winter Table-Tennis Open takes place Thursday at 4 at the Stapleton Library Community Room, 132 Canal St.  Teens/young adults 13-18 can compete for a trophy against other Stapleton Teens at the Winter Open.  Call 718-727-0427 for info.

Attend Wealthy in 2017 at the South Beach Library, 21-25 Robin Rd. on Thursday at 5. Do you want to build wealth in 2017? Not sure where to start? Learn how to create a wealth building plan that works. No sales pitches, magic products or get-rich-quick schemes--just your ideas, willingness to adopt money making habits and hard work. The following will be discussed: Defining wealth. Deciding how you want to build wealth. Making sure you’re getting the results you want.  For info, call 718-816-5834.

Toddler Storytime: Toddler Time takes place Friday, 1/6 at 10:15 a.m. at the Tottenville Library, 7430 Amboy Rd.  Meet other toddlers in the neighborhood while enjoying stories, songs, crafts and fun for children ages 18 months to 3 years old.

Send your teens to the Stapleton Library, 132 Canal St. on Friday at 4 for Teen Game Day.  Get ready for Chess, Fluxx, Are You a Werewolf?, Coup, Dominos, Mancala and other random surprise games every Friday till closing.

Artie Koenig and Andy Kirmayer will perform on Friday at 8 at Everything Goes Bookshop, 208 Bay St. For info, call 718-447-8256.

On Friday at 7, wear your favorite fedora or your slinkiest sheath and join gregarious hosts Marty Albucher (owner/proprietor of Electric Hair) and Joseph Daly (Playwrite, director & actor) together with Staten Island OutLOUD for a fun evening of Friday Night Noir at Electric Hair Salon, 100 Stuyvesant Pl., inspired by Dashiell Hammett’s “The Maltese Falcon”. Reservations essential due to limited space!  Please RSVP by January 4th to sioutloud@yahoo.com

Zhineng Qigong (Wisdom Capabilities Energy Cultivation) includes many methods of ancient Chinese healing practices known to improve one's health and vitality. A combination of movement, meditation and breath work create physical and psychological balance, increasing stamina and willpower.  You can participate in Zhineng Qigong on Friday and Sunday 1/8 through 1/29 at 9 a.m. at the Snug Harbor, Bldg. G, 1000 Richmond Terr., Studio 201. Admission is $10 per class (1st class complimentary). For info, call 347-547-9968 or visit http://www.snug-harbor.org

The Department of Sanitation will begin its annual Christmas tree curbside collection program starting this week and continuing through Saturday, 1/14.  Removal the tinsel, lights, ornaments and put the tree out for collection.  They will be chipped, mixed with leaves and recycled into compost.  If you would prefer to participate in Mulchfest on Saturday, 1/7 or Sunday, 1/10 from 12-2, bring your tree to Clove Lakes Park, the Conference House Park and the Midland Beach Parking Lot #6.  For more information, visit www.nyc.gov/dsny

Enjoy a winter walk through Mt. Loretto Unique area, beach and bluffs on Saturday 1/7 at noon with naturalist Ray Matarazzo to investigate the geology beneath the historic Prince’s Bay Lighthouse at Mr. Loretto Unique Area. Meet in the Hylan Blvd. parking lot across from the CYO Community Center at Kenny Rd.  For info, call Ray at 718-317-7666.

The Tavern Concerts begin this Saturday, 1/7 at 6 and 8 p.m. at Historic Richmond Town, 441 Clarke Ave. The Wahoo Skiffle Crazies, Staten Island's Premier Jug Band, will perform. Admission is $13 online or $15 at the Door. On-line tickets are available up until 3 p.m., two weekdays before the event. For Saturday and Sunday events, tickets are available online until 3 p.m. Thursday.  Call 718-351-1611 for reservations.

The Exhibit, "Face to Face", featuring Photographer Fritz (Steven) Weiss, will be held at the CPG Gallery (Creative Photographers' Guild), 814 Richmond Terr. beginning Saturday, 1/7 through 2/21.  For info, call 718-288-2405 or visit http://www.cpggallery.org

The annual event, "La Befana Party", at the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum, 420 Tompkins Ave. on Sunday 1/8 at 2, provides storytelling of the Befana, who appears to children on the Epiphany. In Italian folklore, an old woman delivers gifts to children throughout Italy on the eve of the Epiphany in a similar way to Santa Claus. Join the fun with storytelling, games, refreshments and a visit from La Befana. Only 20 children can be accommodated so make your reservation with the museum at 718-442-1608 as soon as possible. This is a free event. For details, visit http://garibaldimeuccimuseum.org 

The NYC Department of Sanitation is looking for able-bodied Staten Islanders for snow and ice removal from bus stops, crosswalks, fire hydrants and other locations through the city. If you are interested in per diem work, snow laborers will be paid $15/hour and $22.50/hour after 40 hours are worked in a week.  If interested, report to your local Sanitation garage, weekdays between 7 and 3.  For required documents, where to report and other information, visit http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/dsny/snow/operations.shtml

NOTE TO MY GENTLE READERS: If you enjoy reading my blog--“Weekend Events on Staten Island” and are not a friend of mine on Facebook but would like to be, you know what to do—friend request.  If you would prefer to be on my mailing list, please contact me at joan.coogan@gmail.com or call me at 646-258-9696. I will forward it to you each week.  Nevertheless, will you do me the honor of sharing the blog with your friends, either on Facebook (click “Share” underneath the blog) or e-mail?  I would greatly appreciate it. 

I welcome comments and photos at events you have attended.  If you want to share events specifically for children or adults or seniors, by all means, email or call me.

Posted by Joan Coogan on


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