Did you try Sunrise Tai Chi or Easy Rider-Indoor Cycling at the Biddle House this week, attend the Pysanky Egg Workshop at Great Kills Moravian Church or catch the Spring Thing with Joan Caddell & The Midnight Choir at the Little Victory Theater?  Did your teens participate in the Mutt-i-gree program at the St. George Library or Making Comics 101 with Ivan Velez at the Dongan Hills Library? 


There is so much to do on Staten Island--look around you!  The flowers are blooming and the grass is growing.  Get down and dirty into your garden and clean out the weeds. If you need a garden to practice your skills, call me--I’ll let you help me. Walk through Snug Harbor Cultural Center or Conference House Park and enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful grounds or rent a red or lime green bike. Just don't leave it on a Dead End street!

Take your kiddies to Bloomingdale Park and help them run off their energy—they will sleep well at night.  Or hike through the park and discover OUTDOORS!  I had an hour to spare the other day and brought my granddaughter, Adele, to the Park.  At two years old, she followed her brother through the playground fun giving me all sorts of angst. Up the climbing wall, down the highest sliding pond!  At four, she is still fearless running from one thing to the other and keeping Grandma on her toes.  A large contingent of excitable men were playing Bocce Ball at the Park.  I asked one of them if they play for money; he definitively said no! but quietly added, “some do, not me”.  Just asking. . .It looks like a great way to exercise and meet up with your buds.  When I was a kid, I remember watching the Cricket Matches at Walker Park in West Brighton. Are there different activities you have encountered in a park near you?  If so, please share and include photos.  I love photos!

People ask me, “How can I receive the “Weekend Events” blog.  If you enjoy reading my “Weekend Events on Staten Island” and would like to be my Facebook friend, you know what to do—friend request.  If you would prefer to be on my mailing list, please email joan.coogan@gmail.com or call or text me at 646-258-9696; I will forward it to you each week.  Nevertheless, please do me the honor of SHARING my blog with your friends, either on Facebook (click “Share” underneath the blog) or on the Gillani Homes site.

Meet at LaTourette Golf Course, 1001 Richmond Hill Rd. on Wednesday 4/10 from 1:30-2:30 for Greenbelt on the Go: Afternoon Adult Guided Hike. Enjoy the sights and sounds of spring as you explore trails and natural areas in the Greenbelt.  Dress for the weather and terrain. Registration required. Call 718-351-3450 or email naturecenter@sigreenbelt.org.

Come to the Stapleton Library, 132 Canal St. and have a blast exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, and math for Wednesday STEMDay at 4. Good for ages 5-11.

Learn different techniques used for creating pieces of jewelry, flowers, cover pens, magnets or making pinch pots with Polymer Clay, presented by Linda DeCresenzo, on Wednesday at 4 at the Mariners Harbor Library, 206 South Ave.  Good for ages 13-18 years old.

The Anti-Bully Support Workshop takes place on Wednesday from 4-6 at the Rossville A.M.E. Zion Church, 584 Bloomingdale Rd.  All children and parents are welcome to participate in this workshop for children/teens experiencing any type of bullying (in-school, cyber -bullying, food allergy, etc.), parents looking for resources, bringing children/teens together who have lived through this experience and offering a safe place to share stories and brainstorm on how to handle the problem. Free refreshments.

On Wednesday at 6 at The Institute for Basic Research, 1050 Forest Hill Rd., Lindsay Hyland, the NYS Representative for the Sibling Leadership Network will present Sibling Needs Across the LifeSpan, information to parents on what it’s like to be a sibling of someone with a disability. The needs of siblings of people with disabilities are complex, varied, and change over time, with each sibling’s experience unique.  Lindsay will be providing some insight on what siblings need throughout different stages of their lives.  RSVP to mfegeley@ptopnys.org Parent to Parent or call 718-494-3462. Website: http://parenttoparentnys.org/

Participate in the Wednesday Evening Group Hike from 6-7:30 at the Greenbelt Nature Center, 700 Rockland Ave.  Bring a headlamp or flashlight. Distance is typically five miles and the hike is in all weather conditions unless dangerous (thunderstorms) so dress for weather and trail conditions.

For beginners and non-beginners, create Collages from unique and interesting materials at the historic H.H. Biddle House in Conference House Park, 70 Satterlee St. on Thursday, 4/11 from 9:30–12.  Experiment with different papers, techniques and ideas to create spirited and innovative collages while learning about color, composition, texture, shape and execution. Develop your own personal style and become inspired by viewing works from modern masters. Materials will be provided. (3-week class). Please note: Space is limited, pre-registration is suggested. To register, please email francis.gessner@parks.nyc.gov.

Come to the Richmondtown Library, 200 Clarke Ave. for Kids' Drawing Club on Thursday at 4 and get creative, join other young artists and visit the Drawing Table in the Children's Room! This is not a class, but some drawing how-to books available from our children's collection will be available to help inspire you. Materials are provided. Call 718-668-0413 for info.

Teens ages 13-18 can participate in The Persona Poem on Thursday at 4 at the Tottenville Library, 7430 Amboy Rd.  What is it? This workshop focuses on character voice and how it works on stage and in your writing--writing with the voice of another “I”.  Our life experiences color our perceptions and rarely do we stop to question our judgments or give them a voice. A persona, from the Latin word for mask, is a character taken on by a poet to speak a first-person poem. The persona poem can unleash the critical distance a writer needs to reflect, creating powerful pieces for the page and the stage. Presented by Community Word Project. Call 718-984-0945 for more info.

On Thursday at 7, join Barnes & Noble, 2655 Richmond Ave. for a special event, Cooking with Nonna: A Year of Italian Holidays: 130 Classic Holiday Recipes from Italian Grandmothers by author Rosella Rago. Experience some of the most original Italian recipes from the regions of Italy, and bring your own Nonna, too!

Bring your children 18 mos.-3 years to Toddler Storytime: Toddler Time on Friday 4/12 at 11:15 to the Tottenville Library, 7430 Amboy Rd.  They will enjoy stories, songs, crafts and fun along with a parent or caregiver and meet other toddlers in the neighborhood!

Attend a free viewing of the movie, “Green Book” on Friday from 6-9 at the Rossville A.M.E. Zion Church, 584 Bloomingdale Rd.  There will be a Q & A after the movie with Dr. Muhammad Hatim, the Godson of Dr. Shirley. For more info, contact: rossvilleamez@verizon.net or 718-356-0200.

On Saturday, 4/13 at 10, participate in a Forest Restoration Workshop along the LaTourette bike path.   Meet in the "Field of Dreams" ball field parking lot on Alaska Pl. (off of Forest Hill Rd. opposite Costco).  Volunteers will walk the bike path removing invasive vine.  If you don’t have your own, Protectors will supply gloves, pruners & refreshments. To register, call Don Recklies at 718-768-9036 or Brian Smith at 917-842-6585.

Attend the Pysanky Egg Workshop at Great Kills Moravian Church on Saturday, at 10 at 62 Hillside Terr. To register, contact Janice Hermansen at 718-984-6444, Nancy Walker at 728-967-4047 or the church office at 718-317-7788.  The last workshop will be on Monday, 4/22 at 10. For more info on upcoming events and workshops, visit www.greatkillsmoranvian.org

Take a Rubber Boot Hike on Saturday at 11 at the Greenbelt Nature Center, 700 Rockland Ave.   Make sure to wear proper boots as the trails can be wet and muddy. Suitable for ages 8+.  Registration required; call 718-351-3450 or email naturecenter@sigreenbelt.org.

Bring the kiddies to Barnes & Noble 2655 Richmond Ave. for Storytime and Activities featuring “Pete the Cat--Big Easter Adventure” on Saturday at 11. When Pete wakes up Easter morning and sees his basket of goodies, he discovers the Easter Bunny needs a little help. He puts on his bunny ears and hops to it to help save Easter! Receive a coupon from the Café for a grilled cheese sandwich with milk or juice for $4!

Join the Urban Park Rangers for The Secret Life of Muskrats on Saturday,  from 1-2:30 at Clove Lakes Park, Park Dr. and Clove Rd.  New York City is home to an amazing abundance of wildlife. You will view beavers and muskrats in their natural habitat and see how their lives impact New Yorkers.

On Saturday from 1-2:30 participate in Arts, Culture & Fun: City Center On the Move at Faber Park, Kill Van Kull & Faber St.  Enjoy free performances featuring world-class, Bronx-born, tap artist Ayodele Casel! A frequent City Center collaborator (¡Adelante, Cuba!, Really Rosie, Fall for Dance) and a 2017 recipient of the “Hoofer Award,” Casel will be joined by two dancers and two musicians.  Don’t miss a chance to participate in a short tap lesson after the show, so get ready to move.  City Center On the Move performances are free and open to the public. Please reserve your free ticket at NYCityCenter.org/OntheMove

Attend the Spring Event for Children’s Miracle Network Hospital at the corner of Foster Rd. & Carlton Ave. (across from Carlton Park) on Saturday from 1-5. Join Ashley Lawrence and her team to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, a hospital for kids with rare and incurable diseases and Project Semicolon, an organization for suicide prevention and mental health. There will be vendors, Easter bunny pictures with your own phone $8 for up to two kids, $2 for each additional, Easter crafts, bake sale, some Palm Sunday goodies. Some proceeds from vendors will be donated back to charity. This is a public event come one come all!  For info, contact Ashley at Officialashleylawrence@gmail.com

Help support small business and come shop small at the Easter Holiday Market on Saturday from 1-6 at The Hub at The Corner Grind, 510 Bay St. Easter holiday artists market unique finds for the holidays--jewelry, accessories and more.  Music, games, raffles and prizes will be at the market; donations for Make a Wish Foundation will be accepted www.metrony.wish.org. at the market. This is a free event to the public created by https://www.facebook.com/createdforyouartistsmkt/

On Saturday at 2 attend a talk by Khenpo Pema Wangdak about "Exploring Patience and Its Strength" at the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, 338 Lighthouse Ave. The enduring positive effects of peace, loving-kindness, and compassion and everything else that is good in human nature--its values and ethics, its aspirations and goals, are possible only when combined with the strength and the power of patience. The talk includes discussion, meditation on the subject of patience, and a question and answer session. This event is free.  

Experience the height of the spring bird migration while visiting the unique ecosystems on the Trail of the Month Hike: High Rock Park/Gretta Moulton Trail on Sunday 4/14 at 11 at High Rock Park, 200 Nevada Ave.  Gretta Moulton gathered citizens to save High Rock Park from residential development in the 1960's and 1970's. The entrance gate to the park is named in her memory.  Registration required, call 718-351-3450 or email naturecenter@sigreenbelt.org.

Attend a talk with Yingrik Drubpa Rinpoche on Tibetology-All Things Tibetan, Art, Culture and Religion on Sunday from 2-4 at the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, 338 Lighthouse Ave. This event is part of the Cultural Immigrant Initiative funded by Councilmembers Borelli, Matteo, and Rose. Tickets are free; please RSVP at 718-987-3500 or mventrudo@tibetanmuseum.org

Meet your friends at Everything Goes Café, 208 Bay St. on Sunday from 2-5 for the Irish Trad Seisiun, founded by local favorites, Linda Hickman, Douglas Barr, and Bob Wright and managed by Staten Island Arts Folklife.  The Staten Island Seisiún offers musicians and music lovers an afternoon of music and shared camaraderie onstage and off in an informal gathering dedicated to the practice and performance of Irish traditional music unlike an ordinary concert. All are invited to bring their own instruments and join in to expand repertoire and technique. Presented by Staten Island Arts.

The NYPD SUMMER YOUTH POLICE ACADEMY gives young individuals between the ages of 10 and 15 the opportunity to train with police officers in the borough of their residence, five days a week for six weeks, from 8:30-2 during the summer, leading to positive relationships between the Police Department and the city's youth.  Police Officers conduct classes that include lectures, role-plays, and demonstrations in the areas of law, behavioral science, drug prevention and gang resistance. The program also provides participants with lunch, uniform shirts and field trips. Students engage in military drills like those done in the Police Academy and go on field trips to police facilities. Transportation is provided for the field trips although the sites are accessible by public transportation. The Summer Youth Academy: enhances responsible citizenship, provides positive interaction with police officers and educates young people about the challenges and responsibility of police work, encourages young people to take part in other youth programs offered by the Police Department such as: the Law Enforcement Explorers, Police Cadet Corps and the Police Athletic League. For additional info, please call the Community Affairs Bureau's Youth Strategies Division at 718-312-5079. The application for the 2019 Youth Police Academy is a fillable pdf form (see below). Please complete the application on your computer, save the form, and email it to communityaffairs@nypd.org.


I welcome comments and photos at events you have attended.  If you want to share events for me to post, email or call me.

Posted by Joan Coogan on


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