Who among you, my gentle readers, were able to meet with Mayor Bill de Blasio this past week? Did you express your concerns to him and his staff of commissioners about issues you may have? Were you satisfied with the Mayor’s response?
Recently, I encountered a Department of Sanitation street sweeper coming down a nearby street and was in awe along with other residents on the street. I have only seen street sweepers in Brooklyn, never on the Island. This particularly street is filled with potholes, broken pavement and an actual crater; I would prefer to see these streets repaired first! Did you know that you can report any problem you may have to New York City’s "311" Complaint Line? I have kvetched about that particular crater many times and also brought it to the attention of the powers to be at my civic association meeting numerous times--to no avail. However, I have reported other issues to 311, and they were taken care of immediately. You can go one step further and become involved in your Civic Association, Block Association, NYPD Precinct Community Council (see website) http://nypdnews.com/nypdfacebook/community-council-calendar/or your local Community Board which plays an important role in improving the quality of life. Visit the website and learn how you can make a difference.http://www.nyc.gov/html/cau/html/cb/si_about.shtml
Did you attend RECYCLED: A Children’s Art Workshop with the Staten Island Creative Community at Art on the Terrace Gallery or visit the RECYCLED exhibit?
Hopefully, you filed your taxes on time and now can think about the spring/summer weather and more important things like planting flowers and vegetables.
Were you able to visit Nothing New Thrift Shop and find some terrific items or a donated Prom Dress and accessories for your teenager? The event was a huge success and many delighted young ladies left the Shop with beautiful dresses and accessories all set for their proms. There are so many “finds” awaiting you. Visit the website and Facebook page for a schedule of Open Mic events and catch a glimpse of new items that arrive at the store every day! http://www.nothingnewwarehouse.com/https://www.facebook.com/NothingNewThriftShop/
Check out Art in Action, a program where children are given the opportunity to develop their creativity and personal expression through a variety of fun and educational arts and crafts projects! It takes place on Wednesday 4/19 from 3:30-4:30 at Walker Park, Davis Ave. Registration is required. Call 718-816-6172 or email Dana.Vitolo@parks.nyc.gov to register.
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