Have you registered to be an organ donor? Or applied for a Library Card? Did you attend Dr. Shulimovich’s Lunch and Learn--Cancer Control Awareness Month at RUMC or Dine Out 4 Autism? Or attend the Arts, Culture & Fun: Public Theater Mobile Unit: “The Tempest”? or the"The Crucifixion, an Oratorio" at The Reformed Church on Staten Island? I hope you enjoyed the lovely weather and embraced nature during Easter and Passover holidays.
People ask me, “How can I receive the “Weekend Events” blog. If you enjoy reading my “Weekend Events on Staten Island” and would like to be my Facebook friend, you know what to do—friend request. If you would prefer to be on my mailing list, please email joan.coogan@gmail.com or call or text me at 646-258-9696; I will forward it to you each week. Nevertheless, please do me the honor of SHARING my blog with your friends, either on Facebook (click “Share” underneath the blog) or on the Gillani Homes site.
Enjoy the Cool School Holiday with FREE Admission all day on Wednesday 4/24 from 10-5 at the Staten Island Children's Museum, 1000 Richmond Terr. Sponsored by TD Charitable Foundation.
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