OK, so it’s raining out today! That shouldn’t put the kibosh on your plans for the weekend. It’s supposed to clear up and actually will become “brighter”. Tomorrow will be perfect all day so get yourself and/or the family outdoors and have some fun!
If you missed the Egyptian Festival at Archangel Michael and St. Mena Coptic Church at 4095 Amboy Rd. last weekend, make sure you attend Saturday and Sunday, 10/4 and 10/5 from noon to 8:00 p.m. FREE ADMISSION! The parishioners welcome you with open arms to share and learn the rich culture of the Coptic community. Visitors will experience everything Egyptian through clothing, food, people and culture. Enjoy the Mediterranean dishes--stuffed grape leaves, shish kebab, baklava and more. Various Egyptian goods will also be on sale. There will be plenty of activities for kids, including rides and games. Last Sunday, my son and I attended and were treated by a young man and parishioner, George, on a tour of the church; he enthusiastically educated us on the icons and the history of the Egyptian Coptic religion. It was absolutely beautiful and not to be missed.
On Sunday 10/5 from 3-5:00 p.m., the Protectors of Pine Oaks Woods is sponsoring a stroll through Wolfe’s Pond and Lemon Creek at low tide. Learn the history of the area, how the character of the pond has changed over time and proposed remediation plans. Meet Mike Shanley at the corner of Holton Avenue and Purdy Place.
Pet Adoptions - Anyone who is interested in adopting a cat, visit Petsmart at 1520 Forest Ave. on Saturday, 10/4 from 2-8:00 p.m., or on Sunday, 10/5 from 1-4:00 p.m. Dog and cat adoptions sponsored by the Council for Animal Welfare will take place at Petco in the Charleston Shopping Center, 2752 Veterans Road West on Sunday, 10/5 from 10:00 a.m. to noon. At noon to 3:00 p.m. Fur Friends in Need will also be at Petco for pet adoptions.
Take your dog out in Halloween costume on Sunday, 10/5, at 2:00 p.m. The Annual Dogtoberfest celebration takes place at Killmeyers Old Bavaria Inn at 4254 Arthur Kill Road. Special guests will be in attendance, raffles and best costume prizes will be awarded.
On Saturday and Sunday, 10/4 and 10/5 at the historic 1800’s Decker Farm, enjoy a hayride, the cornstalk maze, arts and crafts and especially, pumpkin picking. Admission is $5 or $16 for a family 4-pack. A free shuttle bus service is provided from the historic Richmondtown parking lot to the Farm.
On Sunday, 10/5, from 1-5:00 p.m., visit the Guyon Lake Tysen house at 441 Clark Ave. in historical Richmondtown for a look at early rural architecture, sample a tasty early American treat and bring back a recipe to make at home. The children can also participate in a scavenger hunt. Admission is free.
The Staten Island Shakespearean Theatre on Saturday, 10/4 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, 10/5 at 3:00 p.m. will produce at the Third County Courthouse at Historic Richmondtown “The Guys”, a play revolving around the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Tickets are $25 and for students/seniors $22.
The Staten Island Mall is hosting a Mall-O-Ween adventure: “The Selfie Set” with cut-out sections and props and you can become part of the haunted photo set beginning Saturday afternoon 10/4 and continuing through October during Mall hours. There will be activities every Saturday: games, arts and crafts, face painting, story telling and fashion shows.
So, have I convinced you to get out of the house this weekend, away from TV’s and computers and try one or all of these events? Let me know what you are planning for the weekend and what your favorite event was. Call me or write me at 646-258-9696 or leave me a comment below or at joan.coogan@gmail.com.
Posted by Joan Coogan on
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